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Embracing Vulnerability

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    Weibo Zhang

Vulnerability is the core, the heart, the center of meaningful human experiences.

Brene Brown

Vulnerability, as Brene Brown says, is not knowing victory or defeat; it's understanding the necessity of both. It's engaging. It's being all in. The level at which we protect ourselves from vulnerability is a measure of our fear and disconnection. Then, the level at which we are able to act vulnerably is a measure of our courage and the clarity of our purpose.

To be vulnerable means to be all in, daring to show up and let ourselves be seen.

When I felt the most fear and discomfort, I also felt the most vulnerable. When I felt the most courage and growth, however, was also when I felt extremely vulnerable. At the end of every dance class I take, the class splits into groups and performs in front of the camera. I felt incredibly shy every time I was up there, and that greatly affected my performance, preventing me from giving it my all in the moves. As I progress and grow more comfortable with my body and being okay with looking embarrassing, I feel like I'm finally giving my 100%. I still dance like a cup of noodles, but I'm finally starting to soak up the hot water. ;)

When we are able to be vulnerable, we can be honest and genuine. Confessing to someone you like, embarking on a solo trip, admitting fault, or going through a breakup - these experiences expose your true self as if you were walking naked in downtown New York. They really suck, I know. But if you never have the courage to be vulnerable, you wouldn't have experienced who you could have become.

To become a better version of yourself, you have to dare greatly. You have to be a little vulnerable even if it might hurt.

A question for you

When was a time you acted vulnerably?

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